Thursday, April 8, 2010

in hope, great things are too come

"everything happens for a reason" is an extremely vague statement, but it is important to remind yourself every so often. It's all about being at the right place at the right time and following your instincts. Be thankful for what you have and the chance for your existence.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I went to a bowling alley last night and realized the quality entertainment that I am missing out on. No, not the thrill of whipping a ball down the lane crushing pins like fred flintstone. but rather the reactions and intense celebrations that occur by the bowlers and their teammates. Everyone was completely wasted and enjoying their Friday night like it was their last. I knew no one, I was just observing a league my friend had me meet him at. But there was 50 year old ladies getting up on chairs together and dancing, and everywhere you look you can catch a nilly high five or a wicked air guitar solo. I swear I need to start filming a documentary on bowling alleys.
But no one, and I mean no one, shows up the king of bowling celebrations.
Everybody, Dale Eagle(best observed at times1:50 3:38 3:54):

I miss bowling, I wish i had more time to join a league. It seems like a blast ha. The last league I was in was back in high school, but i got kicked out for some reason. Good times.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I'm half the man i use to be

I've been on a 90's alt rock kick lately. Watching Alice in Chains in Australia inspired me I guess. The latest two Silverchair albums are out of this world. So creative.
What I have been doing since I've been home:
1. Watching the March Madness go down. I love good competition and it's a great place to find it. Go UNC!
2. Rocking accordingly
3. Playing freerolls at the poker hall in town. It's the best thing ever. Free money. I haven't won yet but have gotten very close. I'm feeling it this next week.
4. Finally spending quality time with my wife. I feel like it's been long over due.
5. Hanging with friends I haven't seen in awhile.
6. I went to Chicago last weekend and love that city.
7. My birthday was the night of st. patrick's day. So that was a festive couple days.
8. Sleeping too much. I have a bad problem, it's called a comfortable bed. I need a concrete one or something that hurts my back more.

Spring is in the air. Beautiful.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

this is where i am right now

i will rule these streets cowboys and indians style

japan rules. i want to visit for a longer period of time.
everyone is so nice and appreciative of what we do. between songs is kind of akward tho, that is where the language barrier and cultural differences really kick in. So we look at each other ....and laugh. We are on the other side of the world, why not soak it up and enjoy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

reality tv

I want to create a reality tv show along the lines of surreal life, but instead of washed up celebrities it will be based around homeless people. Can you imagine what would happen in a nice mansion with a dozen homeless people doing stupid things for money? It would be the most amusing thing ever, and it would help them out in the long run. Definately better than shallow people competing to win friendship or a blind date though scripts.
I just need a name now, and no emily, Homeless Mania is not a good one. But maybe we can get Goobles to make a guest appearance.

to emily

thanks for putting up with me being away all the time.
i wish i could spend this weekend and valentines day with you.
tell prince i said hi.
miss you.